What does Independence in environmental and human rights due diligence measurement systems mean to you?

Invitations to Comment

Public Comment

Please note that comments are anonymous, and feedback is not attributed to your organization or considered to be an endorsement. You may submit comments by email as specified below.

Draft Independence Pledge for Environmental and Human Rights Due Diligence

Comments must be submitted by February 28, 2023 (Eastern Standard Time) (Closed)
Comment by email

The 60 day comment period has closed on February 28, 2023. You can continue to access and read the public notice information after the comment period has already closed. A non attributed summary of properly submitted comments will be available here for review after June 1, 2023. Interested persons are invited to send requests for additional comments by email.

The Independence Pledge steering committee welcomes comments from interested parties on the draft Independence Pledge for Environmental and Human Rights Due Diligence, which the steering committee approved for public comment at a joint meeting on December 5, 2022. This document shall serve as implementing procedures for Business, Responsible Business Initiatives, Auditing Firms and Rating Agencies to adopt objectives for prioritizing independence in environmental and human rights due diligence measurement systems and reporting. The wider public review process supports the development of methodologies that are relevant, transparent and reflect a balance of stakeholder interests.

Deadline to submit comments:
Submit comments by email to by February 28, 2023 (Closed)

Interested in joining the steering committee. Please complete contact us here