Companies are increasingly expected to exercise due diligence across their extended manufacturing and commodity supply chains in order to minimize the risk of adverse environmental and human rights impacts in their operations. The Independence Pledge provides a reference for implementing environmental and human rights due diligence processes that can help companies meet government and stakeholder expectations to demonstrate independence, impartiality, and a high degree of rigor when assessing and reporting progress. Aligning your internal process with the pledge, can help companies meet government expectations as well as maintain stakeholder support.

Sign as a Company Signatory (Buyer of purchased goods and services)

The Company Signatory category of The Pledge is reserved for buyers of purchased goods and services across the supply chain, who conduct environmental or human rights due diligence of their manufacturing and commodity networks and can make all the commitments of The Pledge. Companies that sign the pledge must publish required public information annually.

If a companies published environmental or human rights due diligence information is called into question, companies that signed The Pledge agree to share a randomly selected number of end-to-end supply chain due diligence activities with the committee to verify the independence of the measurement system.

In order to sign the pledge and commit to independence in environmental and human rights supply chain due diligence, please complete the form and we will process your request as quickly as possible

Sign as a company signatory
Contact Form to Sign Pledge as Signatory

Sign as a Supporter Signatory (Responsible Business Initiatives, Government Regulators, Data Verifiers, Rating Agencies, NGO's, Industry Groups, Investors, Universities, Students, and Individuals)

The supporter category of The Pledge is reserved for supply chain stakeholders and inspired individuals, who are not purchasers of supply chain goods and services however support the goal of upholding high standards of independence when conducting and publicly reporting environmental or human rights due diligence of manufacturing or commodity supply chains.

Signing The Pledge is possible for any stakeholder or individual that identifies with our goals and is excluded from the company signatory category. Companies that are purchasers of supply chain goods and services and conduct environmental or human rights due diligence of their manufacturing or commodity supply chains cannot join the supporter category.

In order to sign the supporter section of The Pledge, please fill out the form below and we will process your request

Sign as a supporter
Contact Form to Sign Pledge as Supporter

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