Resources to Consider
List of available supply chain due diligence resources we are familiar with. If you know of more we should add, please contact us for inclusion.

Good Practice
Good practices are born out of the hard work and dedication that people put into working on an issue. They may come from an individual, or a group as they share ideas with one another and find which methods produce better outcomes for all involved parties-- Supply chain due diligence is not easy work, but it can be made easier through following these helpful starting points created by industry stakeholders who have gone before us. Don't forget to pay it forward by adding to the shared knowledge, using our good practice builder tool.
Aligned Good Practices
Ensure that your program structure does not allow or require suppliers to self-select the auditors or verifiers as it degrades the credibility and integrity of the results
22 September 2022 | Program Structure
Disclose a list of contract service providers approved to conduct due diligence services on your behalf
22 September 2022 | Program Policy
Require all contract service providers a make the Independence pledge
22 September 2022 | Program Policy
Require all contract service providers provide a written statement of independence as it relates to service they undertake on your behalf
22 September 2022 | Program Policy
Ensure data verifiers provide an affidavit or certificate stating their independence from you and your suppliers other than the audit or validation engagement itself.
22 September 2022 | Program Policy
Cease marketing and selling due diligence services directly to suppliers (e.g., social or ethical audits), while also seeking to promote oneself as a credible third party to buyers of the same supplier.
22 September 2022 | Program Measurement
If a customer requests due diligence services to evaluate the practices of a supplier, disclose any existing service contracts that may exist with that supplier.
22 September 2022 | Program Measurement
Request your customers take the Independence Pledge
22 September 2022 | Program Policy
Adopt inclusivity polcies that allows for operating data validartion without prejudice and in a manner that promotes greater competition,, which drives checks and balances for contracted service providers
22 September 2022 | Program Policy
Establish internal no-conflict procedires to make sure that data veriifers being used are unbiased and credible.
22 September 2022 | Program Policy
Add Your Good Practice Recommendation
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